124 German Cities

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City Country Country code
Aachen / Aix La Chapelle Germany (+49 241)
Arnsberg Germany (+49 2931)
Augsburg Germany (+49 821)
Baden Baden Germany (+49 7221)
Bad Kreuznach Germany (+49 671)
Bayreuth Germany (+49 921)
Bergisch Gladbach Germany (+49 2202)
Berlin Germany(+49 30)
Bielefeld Germany(+49 521)
Bochum Germany(+49 234)
Bonn Germany(+49 228)
Bottrop Germany (+49 2041)
Brandenburg Germany (+49 3381)
Braunschweig Germany (+49 531)
Bremen Germany(+49 421)
Bremerhaven Germany (+49 471)
Castrop Rauxel Germany (+49 2305)
Chemnitz Germany (+49 371)
Cologne / Koeln Germany(+49 221)
Cottbus Germany (+49 355)
Darmstadt Germany (+49 6151)
Dessau Germany (+49 340)
Detmold Germany (+49 5231)
Dorsten Germany (+49 2362)
Dortmund Germany(+49 231)
Dresden Germany(+49 351)
Dueren Germany (+49 2421)
Duesseldorf Germany(+49 211)
Duisburg Germany(+49 203)
Erfurt Germany (+49 361)
Erlangen Germany (+49 9131)
Essen Germany (+49 201)
Esslingen Germany (+49 711)
Flensburg Germany (+49 461)
Frankfurt am Main / Francfort Germany(+49 69)
Frankfurt an der Oder Germany (+49 335)
Freiburg Germany (+49 761)
Fuerth Germany (+49 911)
Garmisch Partenkirchen Germany (+49 8821)
Gelsenkirchen Germany (+49 209)
Gera Germany (+49 365)
Giessen Germany (+49 641)
Goettingen Germany (+49 551)
Guertersloh Germany (+49 5241)
Hagen Germany (+49 2331)
Halle Germany (+49 345)
Hamburg Germany (+49 40)
Hamm Germany (+49 2381)
Hanau Germany (+49 6181)
Hannover Germany(+49 511)
Heidelberg Germany (+49 6221)
Heilbronn Germany (+49 7131)
Herne Germany (+49 2323)
Hildesheim Germany (+49 5121)
Ingolstadt Germany (+49 841)
Iserlohn Germany (+49 2352)
Jena Germany (+49 3641)
Kaiserslautern Germany(+49 631)
Karlsruhe Germany(+49 721)
Kassel Germany (+49 561)
Kiel Germany (+49 431)
Koblenz / Coblence Germany (+49 261)
Konstanz Germany (+49 7531)
Krefeld Germany (+49 2151)
Leipzig Germany(+49 341)
Leverkusen Germany (+49 214)
Ludwigsburg Germany (+49 7141)
Ludwigshafen Germany (+49 621)
Luebeck Germany (+49 451)
Luedenscheid Germany (+49 2351)
Luenen Germany (+49 2306)
Magdeburg Germany (+49 391)
Mainz Germany (+49 6131)
Mannheim Germany(+49 621)
Marburg Germany (+49 6421)
Marl Germany (+49 2365)
Merzig Germany (+49 6861)
Mettlach Germany (+49 6864)
Minden Germany (+49 571)
Moenchengladbach Germany (+49 2161)
Moers Germany (+49 2841)
Muelheim Germany (+49 208)
Muenster Germany (+49 251)
Munich / Muenchen Germany(+49 89)
Neubrandenburg Germany (+49 395)
Neumuenster Germany (+49 4321)
Neuss Germany (+49 2131)
Nuremberg / Nuernberg Germany (+49 911)
Oberhausen Germany (+49 208)
Offenbach Germany (+49 69)
Oldenburg Germany (+49 441)
Osnabrueck Germany (+49 541)
Paderborn Germany (+49 5251)
Pforzheim Germany (+49 7231)
Potsdam Germany (+49 331)
Ratingen Germany (+49 2102)
Recklinghausen Germany (+49 2361)
Regensburg Germany (+49 941)
Remscheid Germany (+49 2191)
Reutlingen Germany (+49 7121)
Rostock Germany (+49 381)
Saarbruecken Germany(+49 681)
Saarlouis Germany (+49 6831)
Salzgitter Germany (+49 5341)
Schwerin Germany (+49 385)
Siegen Germany (+49 271)
Solingen Germany (+49 212)
Stuttgart Germany(+49 711)
Trier Germany (+49 651)
Troisdorf Germany (+49 2241)
Tuebingen Germany (+49 7071)
Ulm Germany (+49 731)
Velbert Germany (+49 2051)
Viersen Germany (+49 2162)
Voelklingen Germany (+49 6898)
Wiesbaden Germany (+49 611)
Wilhelmshaven Germany (+49 4421)
Witten Germany (+49 2302)
Wolfsburg Germany (+49 5361)
Worms Germany (+49 6241)
Wuerzburg Germany (+49 651)
Wuppertal Germany (+49 202)
Xanten Germany (+49 2801)
Zwickau Germany (+49 375)

Area Codes in Germany :

Phone numbers from Germany
are preceded by the +49 country code
which is part of +3 or +4 numbers dedicated to the Telecom Zone "Europe" .

International Direct Dialing was set up in 1964.
Country codes were attributed in Geneva
by the International Telecommunications Union ITU.

German Area codes are between two and five digits long.
Each large city and small village has an area code,
There are about 13.000 area codes
The largest cities have two digits
  • 1 Mobile Numbers
  • 2 central Germany (most of Nord Rhine Westfalen, Mosel Area of Rheinland Pfalz)
  • 3 all States of former Eastern Germany (DDR)
  • 4 northern Germany, Hamburg, Bremen, coast of Niedersachsen, Schleswig Holstein
  • 5 most of Niedersachsen including Hannover, northern Hessen, north east Nord Rhein Westfalen
  • 6 cental Germany, southern Heseen including Frankfurt, most of Rheinland Pfalz, Saarland
  • 7 south east Germany mostly Baden Wuerttemberg
  • 8 southern Bavaria including Munich. Also Toll free numbers
  • 9 northern Bavaria including Nuremberg

    four cities have a two digit area code
  • 30 Berlin
  • 40 Hamburg
  • 69 Frankfurt
  • 89 Munich

    These ate area codes of the main cities in Germany

    Add a 0 if you call from inside Germany
    Add +49 if you call from outside Germany

    Interesting to know
    After WW2 Germany got divided into East and West
    1964 when the international Direct Dialing System was established
    West Germany got the country code +49
    East Germany the country code +37

    After German Reunification following the fall of the Berlin wall
    1993 it was easy to integrate the former East German cities / villages
    into the West German Phone System.

    Even though reunification seamed most unlikely in the late 1960s
    when the German National Direct Dialing system became actif,
    an employee of Deutsche Bundespost,
    (former PTT englobing Post Serices, Telekom and Postbank)
    had blocked all numbers starting with 3
    (+49 311 was the area code for West Berlin)

    Whitepages.de knows this story from Helga von Witzleben
    a Lady from Bonn who was one of his friends
    but we don't remember his name.
    In case you should know
    please send an email to David at Whitepages.de
    (d "at" vb.com)

White Pages.de