What to do if someone is difficult to find ? :

Try all different People Searchengines offered by Whitepages.de
Every Engine has different results,
Some people are listed in serveral directories
Others can be found in just one ...
Others are listed nowhere ...

free of charges

Phone Directory by 11880
Phone Directory by Telefonbuch

free of charges
Genealogy Data by Geni
this databas might help you to find relatives
of the person you are looking for
connect with them to thind the person you are looking for ...

social media
Insta / Instagram Database
very populmar among young people
that like to show photos

FB.com / Facebook Database
Linkedin Database of professional People
these databases allow you to send messages

small charges involved
Spokeo Database
this database uses very sorphisticated
people search tools

search through the government
Germany Gov Search
this search engine goes through
all the German ministeries,
maybe the person you are looking for
has been mentioned at some point.

search in another country
Phone Book of the World.com
maybe the person you are looking for has moved
and can be cound through the directory of another country

good luck ...

White Pages.de