Burg Eltz

Burg Eltz
Burg Eltz
Burg Eltz
56294 Wierschem
+49 2672 95050-0
from inside Germany dial 02672 95050-0

Siemens Siemens Expo at Cremerie de Paris
Museums of Germany

Burg Eltz is a medieval castle in the Eiffel Mountains near the Mosel River.
The closest cities are Koblenz, Trier and Bonn.

The castle goes back to before 1157.
It is since that time owned by the same family, the Counts von und zu Eltz
who keep the castle open to the public.

The Eiffel mountains were the home of the Bönickhausen family
who emigrated to France. According to the legend the French Emigration officers
could not pronounce the name "Bönickhausen", so he asked,
Where do you come from ?
As the answer was from the "Eiffel" the name became Bönickhausen dit (said / genannt) Eiffel).
A few generations later a child of the German emigrant, Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel Tower,
which is part of the White Pages logo.
The creation of the logo is another story linked to Paris and the Eiffel family.

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