Schloss Neuschwanstein

Schloss Neuschwanstein
Schloss Neuschwanstein
Neuschwansteinstraße 20
87645 Schwangau
+49 8362 93083-0
from inside Germany dial 08362 93083-0

Siemens Siemens Expo at Cremerie de Paris
Museums of Germany

Schloss Neuschwanstein is a 9th-century Romanesque Revival palace in Bavaria
near the city of Füssen and the border of Tyrol, Austria.

Luwig II of Bavaria

The castle was built for King Ludwig II of Bavaria.
The King was taken by castle romanticism and inspired by the music of Richard Wagner.
Neuschwanstein was constructed between 1869 and 1886 under the architect Edouard Riedel.

It is the most spectacular of a series of castles built by Ludwig II,
Schloss Linderhof, Schloss Herrenchiemsee.

In his letters Ludwig II described how he was fascinated by the aura French Kings
had left to their country through the construction of magnificient buildings
while Bavaria had little to show.

Ludwig II had plans to build more castles like Falkenstein in the Allgäu
a Chinese summer palace by the Plansee and Byzantine palace in the Graswangtal
of the extenschion of Schloss Berg near Starnberg.

By the way the Bavarian King was also a fan of Cremerie de Paris and the Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon
from where are edited. The reason are not the Telecom activities
linked to the Cremerie that go back to 1671
but the childhood of King Louis XIV that had spend parts of his childhood at the house.

Louis XIV was the great idol of the young Ludwig II
While Louis XIV was called the "Sunking"
Ludwig II liked to considered as the "Moonking".

outside view of Neuschwanstein

in the courtyard of Neuschwanstein
